On-Page SEO : All You Need To Know

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Continuing our SEO Glossary Series and after writing What Is SEOguide. We will, discuss another common term in SEO which is On-Page SEO or On Site SEO. In this guide we will learn together how you can :

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Let’s get into our on-page SEO guide and by the end of this tutorial. Most of on-page SEO foundations will be an easily to digest material. Let’s Go !

On-Page SEO Basics

In this chapter of our tutorial, basics of On-Page SEO will be showed-off to our valued readers. And answering many common questions underneath that chapter. Like : What Is On-page SEO? , The Importance Of On-Page SEO for the overall SEO Process, How the On-Page SEO draws the bigger part of the entire relevancy score and many more.

What Is On-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO Guide

On-Page SEO (Also, on-site SEO) is about optimizing the content at the page level, to be user and search engine friendly. By keyword-holding priority, On-Page SEO Factors comes in this order:

  • Title tags ( Page Title)
  • Headings and meta description
  • content and internal links

This is on-page SEO in essence which is totally different from Off-Page SEO. Which is the set of actions happening off-your website.

On-Page SEO : How Important Is It?

Classical On-Page SEO still the cornerstone of the overall Search Engine Optimization realm. Since Google already stated that in their :

The most basic signal that information is relevant is when content contains the same keywords as your search query. For example, with webpages, if those keywords appear on the page, or if they appear in the headings or body of the text, the information might be more relevant.

 Ranking Results – How Google Search Works

However, Google’ modern BERT algorithm is way much smarter than Google’s old days algorithm. They still follow old tactics to spot topic relevance like Keywords.

Also, there is no a direct correlation between Google’s first spot and keyword-rich title tags. Which proves the the point that old-school tactics is gone. However, if you tried querying Google for heavy keywords (one or terms per query). All, the top 10 results having their main keyword in the title, and most likely in the first of the title.

From that point, we have to talk about in on-page SEO. As it’s obviously not about stuffing more and more keywords into your web page.

Creating content that cracks up it’s way to the top 3 spots in Google. You need to optimize your content for more signals than keywords like : User Experience, Bounce Rate, Search Intent, Core Web Vitals (CWT) and Click Through Rate(CTR). So, Let’s move into the next part.

Creating Content That Serves On-Page SEO

After we scratched On-page SEO basics back and we spotted together how powerful and can massively impact your overall SEO efforts. Let’s move onto optimizing your content through sprinkling contextually and semantically related terms across all of your webpages.

If you want to know, how webmasters make A good use of keywords and keyword intents. In this part of the guide will find a very interesting actionable steps to implement right away.

Targeted Keyword : Use It In The First Paragraph

First occurence determines the most expertise, enough said. Simply, doing so can be easily done through inserting the keyword in the first 100 or 150 word of your blog post.


Google is a semantic search engine, which means they semantically analyze your webpage. To feed Google what they love, create a strongly and semantically related webpage. Through, mentioning the most important highlights earlier in the page and Google loves that.

To get into the topic right away with no fluff. and that’ how to optimize your content in essence.

H1 Tag : Where Your Title Must Be

Think of Heading 1 or H1 tags as a minification for the Title tag. And Google officially stated that use of H1 tag, helps Google know what your content is about and help Google also to know how your page is structured. Modern Content Management Systems (CMSs) Like : WordPress their H1 tag is autogenerated from the title tag.

And it’s better to double check your CMS for H1 tags generated within the content or not. If not, hire a developer to do that for you, it’s important factor for On-Page SEO.

Make Use Of H2 Tags Within The Page

At least, mentioning your keyword once or twice within a subheading and preferably H2 tag will boost the overall on-page SEO score.

What about heavy use of headings across your webpage?

It’s doesn’t harm your rankings to break your content into meaningful sections through keyword-rich headings and subheadings. However, they can make a big difference in positive way in your rankings.

Keyword Frequency

It represents how many your keywords have been repeated across the page. For instance, you searched Google for “How to Learn On-page SEO” Google is not looking for thin pages mentioning this keyword once in thier content.


They look for a credible web page having this keyword inserted NATURALLY in their content. It’s not about stuffing your page with more and more keywords, but it’s about confirming to Google that this page is really about How to learn on-page SEO.

And do not go extreme about Keyword Frequency, as long as you repeated the keyword within your content naturally and in the context and sense, you are okay.

External links for Google represents the citation of other related resources to the topic am linking out from. Accordingly, Google see this a sign of quality.

Using external links, think of it you talking about SEO, and you mentioned Javascript SEO and you do not have a space in your webpage to cover that advanced SEO topic. Finding a trusted source to link to and cite in this particular topic, is where Quality Of External Links happens. Like the External Links section in Wikipedia.

As above-mentioned, URL remains one of the top priority keyword holders. Back to days, Google was showing up in SERPs weirdo URL structures that make no sense. With updates after updates, Google is properly showing the URLS above the title tag in SERPs for both mobile and desktop users.

From that point, URLs today carry more heavy weight in on-page SEO factors than old days. To create SEO-friendly URLs :

  • Short and keyword-rich URLs
  • Avoid undescriptive or weird characters in URLs. Like : query parameters.

In General, best SEO practices for a friendly URL. Mainly relies on having your main keyword in the URL only, Or modifier in the beginning or the end of the URL.

Meta Title and Description Optimization

In this part of our Guide, we will talk about meta title and meta description optimization. Once, Gary Illyes replied to user on Twitter with famous reply :

And the same thing applies to Meta description. However, Google may not use the Meta description to understand the overall context of your page. But, It’s useful to entice searchers to click on URL within the SERPs. So, read this guide carefully if you want to know how to craft SEO-friendly meta description that attracts user’s clicks.

The Title Tag

When it comes to talk about the most important keyword priority holder, is Title tag. As it gives both Search engines and user a general overview about your page content. Keyword placement matters in Title tag, the earlier the better, that’s.

Big websites who ranking for competitive keywords, they most likely to place their main targeted keyword in the first of the title. Followed by, the next title words. Placement of the keyword isn’t necessary thing, but the closer to the first of Title tag the better Google will give your page a weight.

Mashup Your Title Tag With Modifiers

Make use of Keyword modifiers in the suffix and prefix of your Title. For the sole purpose of hunting a longer versions of your main targeted keyword. And ranking for singular and plural forms of your main key phrase.

At the end of the day, you will find yourself ranking for unintended set of keywords, however, they fall into the same cluster. But, This is what happens when you go creative and smart in writing your Title tags for SEO.

Use Keyword-Rich And Enticing Meta Descriptions

A page’s meta description tag gives Google and other search engines a summary of what the page is about.

SEO Starter Guide – Google Search Central

Implicitly, Google want to say meta description is a good SEO practice. Not built on hypothesis, but on data-driven case-studies you can check it out.


Because, it’s the single line that decides whether your website will be clicked from within SERPs or not. That’s the power of Meta description in On-Page SEO.

And do not forget to mention your targeted keyword in meta description. Why?

Because, Google bold the searched terms in meta descriptions in the SERPs.

Which leads us to the most important part, to give your Click-Through-Rate (CTR) a boost.

Creating SEO Content

Content is king and it will be. So, it’s time to learn how to create a super awesome and SEO-friendly content that cracks up to the top 3 results. And this will be done through :

  • Creating unique and valuable content
  • Thorough and detailed enough about the topic
  • Optimized for User Search intent (Navigational, Transactional and Commercial Intents)

In this specific part of our On-Page SEO Factors guide. We will break down the steps of creating content that ranks well in search engines.

Create Unique Content

Referring to unique content doesn’t only original and not duplicate content. But unique in terms of the facts it discuss, the new information it brings, content that actually make a difference even if little difference. To summarize Unique Content guidelines think of this :

  • New industry strategy or tip
  • Better curated list than your competitors are doing
  • Better Resources organization

A Few to name to use a unique description for high-quality and unique content.

It’s not about repeating the keyword over and over again in this practice. But, it’s about having the most accurate information + amount of this information + How you present this information on your website. When these key points put together on the website they make the full meaning of Unique Content. 

Valuable Content

Creating unique content is not the way out for a successful on-page SEO strategy. But the value of the content written matters a lot. In that context, we are talking about content the reflects how authoritative is your content about the topic, information and facts covered that directly relates to the topic, your resources and citations. And these metrics defines the meaning of Valuable content.

There are tremendous amount of publications go live each day. But do they qualify to show up in results for the content they wrote about.

If yes, then your content qualifies to Valuable and unique content.

In order to enhance SEO content skill drastically , do the following:

  • Adding Multimedia : To better explain and illustrate your content
  • Bold Writing : Write in bold and direct way, avoid fluff and filler content
  • Update Your Content : Update your content frequently with new tips, strategies and steps.
  • Authorship : Content that comes from real world experience is way better than content written by the hand of writer. So, Google favors, content written by experts over content written by Freelance content writers.

Think of it, if your are passionate about Football, and you created a Football blog. Sure, the information that you will write will have a expert and passionate tone about the topic, since it’s your hobby and area of interest.

Content That Fulfills Search Intent

Unique and well-structured content will rank your website on the first spot.

But What about maintaining your position ?

The answer is : Optimizing For Search Intent 

Search Intent is an important on-site SEO factor. As it tells Google that you have the specific type of content with the specific answer or information the searcher is querying.

For example, If you search for “How many inches are there in 1 cm” . Most likely the user is looking for quick answer inform of single number represents how many inches are there in 1 Centimetre.

But it’s not logic, to write 3000 Words of content to tell people this short answer. In essence, this is a very good example of Optimizing For Search Intent. 

Click Through Rate (CTR) Optimization

Click Through Rate reportedly, said to be a direct factor affect website rankings. And also, increases your website traffic from organic clicks. In this part of our on-page optimization guide we will show you how you can better optimize your CTR.

Question-Style Title Tags

During the past few years, question-based title tags get the most of clicks of the first page.

Why? Simply, because they are intriguing modifiers.

That’s Said. Question-Based structured title tags have more CTR than normal titles. Because, the searcher always looking for information. And the way the title is written, is promising for the user to answer his query.

Filling-In Empty Meta Descriptions

We already covered how meta descriptions impact search results. In this part, we will try to spot on our pages, where which they miss meta descriptions. And Fill-in those pages with compelling, promising and enticing meta description. This can be easily achieved through SEO Audit for the whole website to spot pages missing the meta description.

Meta description does not need to be perfect. At least, filled with content and do not forget to mention the keyword once in the meta description.

Leverage The Power Of Review Or FAQ Schema

Structured data Or Schema doesn’t guarantee your rankings. However, the cooperate in drawing the overall page theme. Through defining micro attributes that describes the content type more precisely to Google. And one of those types is, FAQ Schema.

FAQ Or Review schema, adds starts and aggregating reviews snippet beside your URL in SERPS.

Clear enough. But, Why?

To increase the CTR of the page. By Stats, Rich Snippets is proven to increase your organic clicks. And here is the Google Structured Data Testing Tool.

Adding Year Variable For Your Title

People who are always hunting for fresh and updated content will love you after optimizing for this. Adding, the year as a modifier or current month increases CTR in someway in some markets. Like Best Running Shoes For 2022, Best Android Apps For Business – October 2022 Updated.

All those samples of titles, that directly mimickes the concept of adding year or month variable in your Title tag. This directly sends a message to your user that your content is up-to-date.

On-Page SEO : User Experience (UX) Signals

In this part of Our on-page tutorial. We will talk about the elements of your page determines how Google will decide whether you are a relevant source or not. As Google already, mentioned that they make use of UX signals to filter the best results.

And User Experience matters in this section. Here’s Why

Above The Fold Content Placement

Placing the direct and precise answer in front of the user’s eye and in the beginning of the page. Google definitely will loves this and accordingly users. If your Featured image resulted in, pushing your content downward the page, this is bad for SEO.

Pro Tip : Also, Above The Fold placement is not only good for better On-Page SEO. But, It helps people who monetize their websites using display ads to place ad unit there for good clicks and banner CTR.

Subdividing Your Content Into Parts

Breaking down your content into meaningful sections is not good for Google, but most importantly for your users.

Why Doing So?

Simply, to make it easier for your users to skip less important parts of your content and jump to the most important ones. Through formatting your content using : Headings, Bulleted points and numbered lists. And table if your content compatible with this.

Like Moz Community perfect place to gather people of the same interest, sharing the same questions, building user-generated content. Plus, this adds a real value to your website. Since, the content published on this board or community forum will be super-related to your industry.

As well, you can find good ideas to write about from those forums. Because, they comes from real-world SEO experience. That’s.

On-Page SEO : An Advanced Perspective

After doing all the above steps this will not guarantee rankings for your webpage. However, in this extra part I will share some of actionable advanced On-Page SEO tips.

Use Creative Common License Images Or Create One

Using other people images within your content is not good practice. Because, Google is smart enough to identify whether this image is original or not.

Definitely Google is backed-up with latest technologies to detect Stock images or duplicate images. And each image has its own meta and exif data.

Google favors websites using original photos over websites using stock or photos shared elsewhere before.

Which interprets into

Creating your own visuals using Canva, with the title text and couple of words on this image. This is enough for Google to be able to rank well.

Internal Links nowadays, carry a heavy weight for ranking your web pages. Google see internal links as, logically-connected nodes from within your website. That’s why Internal Linking is crucial for overall On-Page SEO.

When you internally link to relevant post using a descriptive and dofollow anchor text.. This tells, Google that you have a semantically related content network. Think of Wikipedia, the biggest text corpus, they internally link any possible term you can think of.


Because, they got covered those content parts in separate pages. That’s also why they dominate SERPs for every possible keyword exists. This happens because their perfect internal linking strategy, that tells users and Google they have every little piece of content for the linked topic.

Through internal link analysis, you can spot weakest pages by traffic through Google Analytics. And re-build internal links to those weak pages from your strongest ones. To ensure the flow of traffic and link juice.

Write Long-Form Content

Google favors long-form content.


As Long-Form content tends to rank better as it mostly a big cornerstone page having all the information searchers wants to know. Also, It answers all their questions and question’ variations. Only, if your web page qualifies for that.

And one of the best ways to show true expertise in your content, is to use Latent Semantic Index (LSI) Keywords. Those are synonyms and variations from related keywords derived from the main topic.

Google make use of those LSI to determine how relevant and authoritative this page about the topic is.

LSI Keywords have many resources to dig into them and find those golden gems. They complete the overall page topic theme, through providing Google and users, industry phrases without focusing too much on the main keyword in literal words.

Google related searches, answering people also ask boxes, finding information from Google knowledge panels, using third-party tools to find keywords that are longer than 3 or 4 terms.

All those examples are pretty good for practicing your On-Page SEO Advanced tips.